Excess oil is not meant for your skin! The oil produced by the sebaceous gland underneath our skin is definitely needed to keep the skin moist and hydrated. But this secretion is more than what is required by our skin, it looks extra shiny and sticky. You take a tissue paper and rub over your face, the result is a yellow translucent tissue which shows how oily is your skin.
It not only looks odd to have oily skin but is also unhealthy for the skin giving rise to the most unwanted acne and pimples. No matter how many acne creams you buy from online medicine store and apply, if your skin is oily, they will come back. So, if you are also the one asking God as to why you got this oily skin, here is the answer for you.
Reasons for Oily Skin
Hereditary: If any one of your parents has oily skin, your sebaceous gland tends to be more active for genetic reasons.
Environment and climatic factor: Skin becomes oilier in a hot and humid climate. You might be noticing more of oil secretion during summer season along with a lot of sweating. The reason is the expansion of pores due to heat which secretes oil. On the other hand, you might find less oil on your face during the winters when the skin becomes dry.
For summer, always keep a hanky with you to remove the excess oil from your face. A matte moisturizer or foundation can also soak excess oil secreted.
Enlargement of Pores: Sometimes, the pores of the skin enlarges due to age, some skin treatment, weight fluctuations, or previous skin breakouts. These enlarged pores secrete more oil. Though there is no way to shrink these pores, you can blot the oil-producing area frequently to keep it dry.
Poor choice of Skin Care products: When we are in trouble, we tend to make quick decisions. People with oily skin also take quick decisions and try a number of over-the-counter products for their skin. Using a combination skin type cream for oily skin will not work. Similarly, the cream you are using in summer should be different from one to be used during winter. Choosing right skin care products under the guidance of dermatologist can help you see a remarkable difference in your skin health.
Overdoing Skin Care: Becoming too much conscious of your skin can also lead to overdoing the skincare routine. This should be avoided. Don’t pamper your skin with frequent facewashes, creams, toners, and moisturizers. They would instead hurt your skin and your glands would work extra to produce more oil for the loss occurring due to frequent washing.
Skipping Moisturizer & Sunscreen: Light-weight water-based moisturized work well on oily skin. It’s a myth that applying moisturizer will make the skin oilier. Instead, they are needed to prevent the skin from drying. Especially, if you are using any acne treatment cream, then moisturizing your skin becomes more important. It is important to choose the right type of moisturizer for your skin.
The reason behind oily skin is quite complex. From climate to family, anyone can play a role behind your oily skin. It is important for you to understand this reason or seek the help of an expert with it. Once the reason is clear, further treatment for your oily skin can get easier and more accurate.
For oily skin, your dermatologist might suggest a management plan or treatment plan if needed. Once diagnosed, you can shop for medicine online easily from any trusted online pharmacy store in India.
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